Are you a bird lover like me or interested in watching them? Let’s learn about  bhutan through our companion Orrog. Bhutan is a perfect place for visiting and exploring the nature. Its beauty and uniqueness will captivate you,if you visit once.

Just think you are sitting in middle of Himalayas with mountains all over and twittering birds in the background. It feels like a symphony of the best melodies scoured from nature. Additionally, imagine waking up to the sound of birds flying in the sky and the glorious view of the Himalayas embracing you.It is really incredible to hear the birds chirping in the morning and seeing them.


Bhutan is like heaven, where nature is most alive, and every moment is unique and unforgettable. In Bhutan, life is very different from other places; their lifestyle is very simple and eco- friendly . The most significant aspect is that over two-thirds of the country is covered with lush green forests, full of wildlife. The most astonishing thing about this place is that Bhutan is home to more than 670 amazing bird species. So, if you’re my fellow birdwatchers who love bird watching in Bhutan as much as I do, then you’re welcome to explore the journey with your fellow Orrog. Orrog travel guides are your best option to explore this birding Bhutan adventure. They have excellent guides who connect you with nature, they know birds, and they focus on the comfort and safety of your journey. Whether you are experienced birdwatchers or just starting out, Orrog will help you plan your perfect trip tailored just for you. Trust me, you won’t regret it!


The most amazing thing about this place is that its landscapes are like a beautiful, living tapestry. The place is filled with birds, seasonal visitors, and some rare, endangered species. Moreover, in the winter, the skies are filled with many kinds of birds. Look for cuckoos flying through the trees and watch the quick, playful swifts, bee-eaters, warblers, and flycatchers. The birdlife in Bhutan is amazing!

But the real thrilling sensation in Bhutan comes from spotting the 16 vulnerable bird species that live there. You might see the Pallas’s Fish Eagle, its sharp eyes watching the clear rivers, and you might also see the graceful White-Bellied Heron, its soft feathers shining in the sunlight. And don’t forget the elusive Satyr Tragopan, a stunning creature that sparkles like jewels.

And let’s not forget that the country also provides a superb birding in Bhutan experience of even the endangered species of birds which are on the verge of extinction. View the Imperial Heron, which is the 5th rarest bird in the world, and the migratory Black-Necked Cranes which originally come from Tibet in winter. These attractive cranes are abundant in the Phobjikha Valley, Bumthang, and Bumdeling in the months of September and October. They fly back to Tibet between February and March.


The birdlife in Bhutan is more interesting and exciting because there are still unexplored areas. This means you could be the first to discover a new bird species! Experience the excitement of something new and adding to what we know about these amazing creatures.

Birdwatching in Bhutan is not just about checking off names on a list. It’s about witnessing the beautiful dance of life unfold before your eyes.Birds with pretty wings stand out against the green forests, like a living painting. Their songs fill your soul with joy and touch your heart.

Each bird in Bhutan has amazing ways to adapt to its home. Bhutan's national bird, the Himalayan Monal, has shiny feathers that help it blend in with rhododendron flowers. It can seem to vanish and appear like a ghost.

In the high alpine meadows, you might see the Blood Pheasant. Its bright red feathers stand out against the snowy mountains, showing how nature creates perfect camouflage.

As you move forward into Bhutan’s lush green forests, look for the funny Rufous-necked Hornbill. This bird has a big casque on its head, which helps it eat its favorite foods—fruits and insects. You might also hear the haunting call of the Ward's Trogon. This shy bird has emerald green feathers and a bright red belly, looking like a living jewel. Seeing it in the thick forest is a brief but beautiful moment.

In the Bhutanese landscape , you will hear a variety of vivid sounds throughout the day, often unexpected. In the morning, you might listen to the rhythmic drumming of the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker. During the afternoon, you'll be greeted the sweet whistles of the Black-headed Shrike-babbler. As night falls, listen for the spooky calls of owls.


Bhutan birds are so special because of their melodious voices, which make them seem like singers and play an important role in keeping the entire environment healthy. Birds that eat insects, like the Spotted Laughingthrush and the Long-tailed Tit, help control insect numbers, which keeps the forest healthy. Birds that eat fruits, like the Beautiful Nuthatch and the Green-billed Magpie, spread seeds across the forest floor, helping new plants grow. This shows how everything in nature is connected.

Come and experience the magic of Bhutan’s birds for yourself. It’s a birding Bhutan adventure that will give you amazing memories and a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of nature.

And that’s why Bhutan proudly maintains a great reputation among birdwatchers. On the next edition of Travels with Orrog, we’ll take you on a gentle walk, ten thousand feet above sea level for a vision that will linger in your dreams. That’s next time, on Travels with Orrog.

To learn more about how you can enjoy Bhutan birding tours,with expert guides for trekking, festivals, culture, activities, and wellness, contact your adventure fellow Orrog—more than travel guides who have a great idea for you.